School Closures & Adverse Weather

In the event of incidents such as adverse weather or power failure, every attempt will be made to keep the Academy open in order to minimise disruption to teaching & learning. However, the prime objective will be the health and safety of students and staff. Under such circumstances, we will carry out a risk assessment, taking account of the conditions on site, to ascertain if it is safe to keep the Academy open.

Should the decision be taken to close the academy due to severe weather conditions, parents for whom we have a valid mobile telephone number will receive a text informing them the Academy is closed. This will also be displayed on our website and Facebook page.

You can also check using the Sandwell School Closures website.

Students can assess their Academy area to complete any work or revision in the event of an Academy closure. Details of how to use remote access have been sent to every students’ Academy email account. This can be accessed through the Academy website. Students can click on the email icon at the bottom of the home page and use their usual log in details.