British Values

Teaching and reinforcing British values is important to us at OSCA, and a responsibility to include within our curriculum.

British values are:


A culture built upon freedom and equality, where everyone is aware of their rights and responsibilities.

The rule of law

The need for rules to make a happy, safe and secure environment to live and work.

Individual liberty

Protection of your rights and the rights of others around you.

Mutual respect & tolerance of different faiths and beliefs

Understanding that we all don’t share the same beliefs and values. Respecting those values, ideas and beliefs of others whilst not imposing our own onto them.

These values are taught throughout our curriculum when relevant and especially through our character development curriculum.

We also reinforce these values through:

  • Our assemblies
  • Our visits, trips and speakers
  • Our academy events such as cultural day and celebration of Black History Month and Pride Month
  • Our student leadership and student voice